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Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Your opinion is what i need :)

Hi, sorry for no posts yesterday folks, as i had been facing some technical issues with my net service but everything is up and running smoothly now and hope it stays that way :)
I would love to hear from all of you about the blog, about what changes you would like to see and how you can help make it better, I am always open to suggestion's and i would really appreciate your thoughts on it, because I want to make this blog worth your while, the time you spend here on the blog searching for the well being of animals and nature. Unlike some other bloggers they start to mix things up by putting content easily available on the net which leads to the demise not only of the blogs but also the blogger's who end up losing their credibility in the eye's of the viewer's, by just doing a copy paste job and I highly disagree with that, as for yours truly, I like to keep things interesting by posting original pictures not taken from any website or blog or anywhere else, writing and speaking my mind about how I see the world, with concern towards nature and animals and how we can help support their causes and throwing in a little bit of politics as well just to captivate the minds of my readers, a lot of you may disagree with that and some of you might laugh and have fun reading to what I have to say, so I think, all in all it's fair.
Just today a friend messaged me on Facebook that, "Bro human lives are worst than animals and all you do is talk about animal welfare, why don't you look and talk about your own kind first", too which i replied "No Thank you" because it is simple, humans will never change nor learn. I told him that, I speak for every being that God has created, all lives are precious in Gods eye's not just human lives and lets be clear, if I start talking about humans on this blog rather than the purpose we are here to serve, which is about animals and nature, it would lose it's entire meaning and become so highly political that we would be lost at sea, I am not saying that the animal and nature causes don't involve politics, oh! that they do, take my word for it, but this human one, is just way beyond my understanding and at least animals don't do politics and they give you all the love and attention, so please, I refuse to do any posts involving humanitarian causes and after all, who has endangered the lives of animals, earth and it's nature and their own kind, it's humans so lets give the human's the attention that they truly deserve... keep them at an arms length, that's enough.
Anyways! we are slipping away from the subject at hand, so please do send me your idea's of what other things you'd like to see on the blog, concerning animal and nature causes, what changes should be implemented, you can email me or post your comments, in the comment section below and I will see what can be done.

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