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Monday, February 9, 2015

Bush Fires in Western Australia

Bush Fires! have broken out during the start of Australian summer near Perth. The area is some 350 Km south of Perth, Lower Hotham in the Shire of Boddington. Fire fighters are continuing with their hard efforts as to how, best they can tackle with this while putting their own lives at risk. I can only imagine how horrid this is, not only for the folks living down there, the lose of lives of humans and animals populous. This happens every year in Australia as the summer becomes so hot and Australia being so close to the equator.

Yes this is nature taking it's toll and nothing can be done to prevent this from happening. We just hope that the situation is contained as fast as it can be for the sake of every one living in that area, humans and animals alike. The smoke is so thick that it can be seen raising in the atmosphere of the surrounding areas of Perth. Many folks would end up losing their homes, families and friends and lets spare a thought for the brave fire fighters and policemen as well, risking their own lives to protect others. Just imagine how horrible it is to breath in all that smoke and not being able to see anything clearly.

Alas! I feel sorry for our animal friends and how we cannot be of any help to them at this time. But animals are fighters and have the best instinct of survival and have never depended on any kind of human help and this is why I consider animals as a far superior specious because they have and will continue to outlast us,  even if mankind becomes extinct which is due, to the false illusion that they have been living in on this God gifted earth. Ready to help and an animal is a big no to man, but ready to hunt and kill for food, clothing, trophy and making money of them...yeah! they surely will jump into the wagon, with all guns blazing. Oh! Glory be to mankind.

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