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Wednesday, February 25, 2015

My Cat broke his leg :(

In December last year my cat Mr. Snow had gotten into a brawl with a big stray dog, who broke his right hand leg and dislocated his hip joint. But he is getting better now and the vet asked us to keep him in a cage as too much movement was causing the healing process to slow down. It has taken us many trips to the vet, not that it's a problem but my poor Mr. Snow was under a lot of pain. At first he was in such bad shape, when this happened, we thought that he was run over by a car but once the vet took a closer look at him, she said that the marks are consistent with that of a big dog's bites.
Mr.Snow has gone through a lot of drama and trauma, in his earlier life, he was a very naughty little guy, getting into fights, chasing females and getting roughed up by other cats bigger than him, but that's normal routine, after all it's all in animal nature but all of this made him so sick and weak that we had to get him neutered...yup thats right...neutered. So there was no more happy chappy for him but it was for his best you see, he was put on medication, food and complete rest and he was all good and healthy until his fight with this dog. Now he is once again on the road to recovery. I am putting up his x-ray when he got hurt and I will also put the one after his surgery gets completed and the vet removes the rod from his leg in a couple of weeks time.
P.S Mr.Snow is very persistent about taking his bandage off , so we had to put a head cone to stop him from doing that and also we have to sponge him, because he can't shower until after his complete recovery from surgery. Below are his x-rays pics

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Say "NO" to Circus

Well today i start of on a sadder note. Yesterday on FaceBook, i saw rather disturbing images and videos  about how animals are treated in circuses and I have no doubt that you will agree with me. Never in my life i have seen such abuse of animals, it made me sad and left me with utter frustration.
I just can't imagine the horror that the poor animals have to go through, the constant fear of torture, depriving them of food and water, being tied up with heavy ropes and chains, caged and locked up, away from their own kind for months and driven to insanity by their shameless human captors. I for one felt absolutely disgusted but yet people go to see this crap which left me speechless, of how humans can be so cruel and how can they sit smile and laugh and take their children to watch such an atrocity that is called a circus.
There is nothing right about a circus or a zoo, there never has been and never will be and what kind of message are we giving to our children by taking them to visit such notorious places? That all is fine and dandy, we are the master race and heaven and earth belong to just our own kind? And that all animals are for fun and entertainment?...BULLSHIT.
If God wanted he could have just made us and left us here on our own to do his work and figure out things on our own wouldn't he? Where will this circus shit go than? We would have had our own kind dancing to the whip of a lash and get poked with iron hooks in order to perform tricks for us, just imagine how much fun would that be? Now that would be a joy to watch wouldn't it ;)
Humans spare no one, it has become vested in their nature to not only abuse their own kind but also to inflict the maximum amount of pain onto other beings besides themselves. We have become so ignorant and arrogant that we see nothing beyond ourselves (i.e even if we see that, which i know we don't) no kindness and mercy left for anything or anyone as a matter of fact and that's the bitter truth.
Every once in a while we see a movie and they show a father and son hunting animals in it's opening sequence that's about the freakin mentality we have and can come up with even in our movies and that's supposed to be the WOW! factor for us ain't it? What a great bond that is between father and son, yeah you got that right morons, thumbs up for these freaks.
For Gods sake why can't we bring ourselves to grips, to teach our children that all animals deserve to be free and belong in the wild with their own kind, they deserve every bit of freedom, respect and love as we do and that's the beauty of things and the true way of nature is it was meant to be seen, so show them, teach them, make them feel and understand that without nature and animals our own humanity is at stake and not this freak show we call a circus. 


Monday, February 23, 2015

People came in thousands to see the Perth festival

Sailing Away, Perth Festival

Getting ready to sail away, Perth festival

More pics from Perth festival

Perth Festival pics :D


Hey! there folks, after a couple of weeks break I am finally back,. Because I have to study as well and frankly, I haven't had the time to work on the blog and some other stuff, wanted to start the gym but I haven't gotten around that either lols!!!
Hope all is fine and dandy with you guys, now I do have some fantastic pics from the Perth festival and the Chinese festival which also took place in Perth, will be uploading them later on today or tomorrow. So guess I'll be seeing you soon on the blog, until then...peace my friends.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Sky LIne in Perth as bush fires continue to rage in Western Australia

The dark gray color is where the bush fires are taking place 350 KM of Perth in Western Australia down in Boddington

Bush Fires in Western Australia

Bush Fires! have broken out during the start of Australian summer near Perth. The area is some 350 Km south of Perth, Lower Hotham in the Shire of Boddington. Fire fighters are continuing with their hard efforts as to how, best they can tackle with this while putting their own lives at risk. I can only imagine how horrid this is, not only for the folks living down there, the lose of lives of humans and animals populous. This happens every year in Australia as the summer becomes so hot and Australia being so close to the equator.

Yes this is nature taking it's toll and nothing can be done to prevent this from happening. We just hope that the situation is contained as fast as it can be for the sake of every one living in that area, humans and animals alike. The smoke is so thick that it can be seen raising in the atmosphere of the surrounding areas of Perth. Many folks would end up losing their homes, families and friends and lets spare a thought for the brave fire fighters and policemen as well, risking their own lives to protect others. Just imagine how horrible it is to breath in all that smoke and not being able to see anything clearly.

Alas! I feel sorry for our animal friends and how we cannot be of any help to them at this time. But animals are fighters and have the best instinct of survival and have never depended on any kind of human help and this is why I consider animals as a far superior specious because they have and will continue to outlast us,  even if mankind becomes extinct which is due, to the false illusion that they have been living in on this God gifted earth. Ready to help and an animal is a big no to man, but ready to hunt and kill for food, clothing, trophy and making money of them...yeah! they surely will jump into the wagon, with all guns blazing. Oh! Glory be to mankind.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

The French did it

A few days back France went ahead and declared animals, as sentient beings. I for one am quite amazed and happy.
The law makers in the French assembly are the people behind this and no longer animals will be considered or treated as an object, but this law has yet to be presented to the French senate for it in order to take full effect, because under the current civil law, animals are just treated as mere objects for e.g like a table or a chair and yes i believe it's true in major parts of the world. We see everyday the abuse of animals comes into play in many ways.
I see it as a great victory for our animal friends and as some of you would know or maybe not, that the European Union had already declared animals as sentient beings since 2009, which was under the Lisbon treaty and I hope that the other countries can take the example of France and follow in their footsteps and update their laws regarding animals.
So thank you France keep up the good work and lets make it happen.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Your opinion is what i need :)

Hi, sorry for no posts yesterday folks, as i had been facing some technical issues with my net service but everything is up and running smoothly now and hope it stays that way :)
I would love to hear from all of you about the blog, about what changes you would like to see and how you can help make it better, I am always open to suggestion's and i would really appreciate your thoughts on it, because I want to make this blog worth your while, the time you spend here on the blog searching for the well being of animals and nature. Unlike some other bloggers they start to mix things up by putting content easily available on the net which leads to the demise not only of the blogs but also the blogger's who end up losing their credibility in the eye's of the viewer's, by just doing a copy paste job and I highly disagree with that, as for yours truly, I like to keep things interesting by posting original pictures not taken from any website or blog or anywhere else, writing and speaking my mind about how I see the world, with concern towards nature and animals and how we can help support their causes and throwing in a little bit of politics as well just to captivate the minds of my readers, a lot of you may disagree with that and some of you might laugh and have fun reading to what I have to say, so I think, all in all it's fair.
Just today a friend messaged me on Facebook that, "Bro human lives are worst than animals and all you do is talk about animal welfare, why don't you look and talk about your own kind first", too which i replied "No Thank you" because it is simple, humans will never change nor learn. I told him that, I speak for every being that God has created, all lives are precious in Gods eye's not just human lives and lets be clear, if I start talking about humans on this blog rather than the purpose we are here to serve, which is about animals and nature, it would lose it's entire meaning and become so highly political that we would be lost at sea, I am not saying that the animal and nature causes don't involve politics, oh! that they do, take my word for it, but this human one, is just way beyond my understanding and at least animals don't do politics and they give you all the love and attention, so please, I refuse to do any posts involving humanitarian causes and after all, who has endangered the lives of animals, earth and it's nature and their own kind, it's humans so lets give the human's the attention that they truly deserve... keep them at an arms length, that's enough.
Anyways! we are slipping away from the subject at hand, so please do send me your idea's of what other things you'd like to see on the blog, concerning animal and nature causes, what changes should be implemented, you can email me or post your comments, in the comment section below and I will see what can be done.

Monday, February 2, 2015

A kangaroo up close

A different kind of sting ray

lama's close up, how cool :)

The truth we all share and show

Hello everyone, hoping everyone had a great weekend and here we are back yet again with some more new pictures of fascinating animals, but before we start, I would just like to tell you folks that i don't post anything new during the weekends, after all, blogging requires alot of work and i need rest to, to look after my own state of affairs. I have to give some time to my family, friends, work, health and education. Yes I work and study to but blogging is my passion and i do it to help save animals, humans and mother nature alike from harms way, which is a very important subject in my life and i am very compassionate about it.
I did tend to be a little harsh in my last article, WHY I DO THIS but i think to be quite honest and frank with you folks, it had it reasons, all of us have a different way of thinking and neither you, nor I can change that. We all come from different walks of life, different religions, customs and cultures, different experience's of good and bad, therefor making it difficult to be always on the same page, but what I do love about all of you is that, we come together when we see others in difficulty. This is a bond so strong between all of us and no one can break it no matter what.
We who do this, are people of who posses inside of us, a heart which can endure alot of pain itself,  but yet cannot fathom the pain of others. Yes we are a rare breed you and I, who strongly believe in helping finding comfort for those whether they are animals, humans or nature, which have been abused by the system, thereby helping them would bring out the best in us by receiving their love and admiration and we continue to do it, day in and day out without having any kind of second thought's. We don't want fame or money, the only thing we want, is to spread the message of peace and love, which is above all religions, customs and cultures and we all know deep down inside of us that this is the ultimate truth and the best hope which we have for a bright future, something called humanity, a conscious so clean which is only for the pure of heart and a code of life we live by and we follow this simple rule, beyond the shadow of a doubt, for the greater good of all by setting an example for them to follow.