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Tuesday, January 27, 2015

"PRESERVE": Thrown out of our lives

All children should be taught to respect and love animals and the natural habitat at an early age,  after all, God made them for a purpose of securing our environment and thus protecting mother nature by continuing the cycle of life. Just imagine if one day we wake up to a world, where there are no animals, no forests, leaving earth to the brink of destruction.
We already are suffering at the hands of pollution, by a highly toxic and an unfriendly environment, which has led us to, global warming, causing our polar caps to melt, the great barrier reef endangered, forest fires and the earths echo system, falling victim to such industrial pollution that our mother earths, ozone layer is almost diminished and all of this is taking place now as I continue to write. This is taking all of us fast and i stress very fast, towards doomsday, as the clock keeps ticking and time is of the it over for us? Is it too late? Who should we look to, to come and save the day for us? there is no superman or any other superhero in this story to be honest with you, but as a matter of fact, there are lots of villains and who are they, lets start by naming some and i certainly don't intend to release their names for the general public to read but we already very well know who they are and if you don't know who they are then i am sorry to say that you don't belong to earth. They are the politicians, the industrialists, the hunter's and poachers who are bleeding us dry of our natural resources, who falsely pretend to be our messiah's but in vain are taking us to our very own destruction. The deforestation, poaching and hunting of animals, the draining of mineral resources, the wars for oil and gas and the world economy collapsing...yes everything is interconnected. It is their master plan and who else is there to blame but us, YES! OURSELVES, because we continue to strengthen their hands by demanding for more and more instead of preserving our way of life. We have become so dependent on these people, that we have completely forsaken earth and our own existence to be at the mercy of such characters and this is exactly the same message we are conveying to our next generation, by telling them that out with the old and in with the new, It's just become that easy for us, while we continue to poison earth and ourselves because the word "preserve" has completely lost it's meaning and has been thrown out of our lives.
Ignorance is a bliss but if you continue to ignore earth and it's natural habitat...surely we are bound to succumb sooner than you think, instead teach your children the art of living and loving, by following nature, to preserve it's beauty and to protect it because there is no place else like home, our mother earth and we have nowhere else to go.

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