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Monday, November 9, 2015

A tibute to "NIKOLA TESLA"

Today i would like to take the opportunity and talk about a man who is mysteriously, well absent from all our text books in school and history. A brilliant man, who had no ambition to see the earth and it's people as a place for his profit or any particular corporation. A genius of  his time and even today the world in one way or the other continues to benefit from his earlier inventions, even decades after his death he has left us with his legacy to do good for all mankind but yet frowned upon and ridiculed by the rest of his subordinate's, the one in particular who comes to mind, someone who we know as Thomas Edison, a complete opposite, (yes the guy who invented the bulb) and found a way to charge us for electricity, a sunshine boy for many industries and corporations and this is why he is regarded as the best inventor of his time, with hundreds and thousands of text books in school and history around the globe paying homage to him because he was their...well simple, a money minting machine. Welcome to the corporate world  everyone, welcome to the brain washing of our generation and how we should all bow down and hail, as to what we are taught from the very start of our earlier education system, because this is what they want us to see and it remains unchanged and unchallenged to this day, because money talks every where right? Greed, war, hunger, poverty, epidemics breaking loose, disaster, disaster, disaster, but no, we will continue in this fashion because nothing else makes sense to us, we are completely blind and deaf , we cannot look beyond this system enforced on us, just like Ghandi Ji's monkey's, don't look, don't talk, don't listen and so the slippery slope continues to get even more...well :)

The man I am going to talk about today is non other than "Nikola Tesla", a true pioneer and legend in the field of modern science and technology. Nikola, not only wanted to provide us with free, clean energy, he had made it his mission, for the entire world to live of the grid for good. Believe me, Nikola had around 300 patent 's and some still lay hidden and buried in archives across the globe, so far 278 of which have been issued in 26 countries. He was the first man to make a wireless controlled boat, his patent war for, AC Vs DC which landed him into a dispute with his other fellow scientist's and had his "Wardenclyffe Tower" also known as "Tesla Tower" not fallen into the hands of his greedy financier "J.P Morgan" who wanted in on everything, well who knows, who knows maybe today we would have wireless electricity supplied directly to our homes, offices, schools, etc...etc...

Nikola also claimed to have worked on a death beam of some sorts in the 1930s, claims which he never got a chance to prove though, he said that it could be used in warfare to make a country impregnable no matter how small or how big to all sorts of incoming enemy attacks and this teleforce as he called it, could also be used in retaliation against the advancing forces, something like (EMP/ Electro Magnetic Pulse) which does exist and can be controlled via satellite hovering in earths orbit.

Image result for nikola teslaI could go on and on with this man's brilliant contributions to the world of science yet so much has been held back from us, as it was held back from Tesla, in the form of greedy financier's and the hypocritical approach of the Government's, corporation's and those he used to work for, just because he was a man of principle and refused to get involved in the money grab business he has been kept locked and silent...but the truth does have a way of finding it's way out sooner or later. In the end I would like to say a very big thank you to you, Sir Nikola Tesla.  

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